Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside ...

Mila takes a nap in the sun. As the temperature continues to drop, this is the best spot in the house to catch some "rays". The forecast for Minneapolis is crazy, we are going to have high temps that are below 0. We normally do not get that cold.
I hate winter !


Robynn's Ravings said...

Loved your babies and absoLUTEly loved "Stray Cats." You should really publish that in a cat magazine. That sums up most of us who are in love with cats.

I didn't have a Siberian (although who knows what ran through her veins...she was a STRAY cat....) but my Kitty Baby was incredible. I lost her a few days ago to the effects of old age. I wrote a tribute to her you might like to read, as one who "gets it."

Take care.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Hi Jackie...

Thanks for coming over. And isn't it true? When you have them as long as we did it seems crazy that they're not there. 20 years is a huge part of your life. I look around, especially sitting here at the computer, and it seems impossible she's not here. She was always at my feet or in a nearby chair. She was my shadow.

So glad you dropped in and shared.

Libby's Library said...

Your pictures make me miss having cats. After I had to have my last cat put to sleep (after his battling diabetes for years), I couldn't face another loss. Now as my puppies are getting old, I worry every time they sneeze.
Mila looks so very happy.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You can come and roast in the Australian sun with me in my garden!

Karen Jo said...

That is crazy cold. Keep warm. Thanks for dropping by and adding me to the blogs you follow. I have returned the favor.

Quill and Greyson said...

You look very comfy!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spring will come with warm weather again. We hate winter too, but it doesnt get THAT cold here...

Kiddo said...

I love napping in the sun, too!


Tatersmama said...

Now that's what I call comfort!
My 6 are out napping in the garden. It's not terrible warm out there yet so I think they'll be inside again shortly!
They're real "comfort creatures"!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

I know that I would like to be in that sunspot too! You look very cozy, indeed!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

So relaxt... :-)

Lux said...

High temps of below 0??? Yikes!

Please stay warm ...

Preppy Pugs said...

I think when the temperature outside is going to be a big fat 0, the weather man should not be allowed to say "high". That's just ridiculously cold!